Caves ouvertes / Offene Weinkeller / Cantina aparte / Open wineries (Valais)

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Caves ouvertes / Offene Weinkeller / Cantina aparte / Open wineries (Valais)

05/05/2016 - 07/05/2016

A festive opportunity to visit the vineyards and taste the wines of the region.
Une belle opportunité pour visiter le vignoble et déguster les vins de la région.
Winzer laden zum Besuch ihrer Rebberge und Weinkeller.
Conoscere i Produttori e i loro segreti, lasciandosi contagiare dalla passione che mettono nel produrre vini di qualità.

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Swiss Fine Wine is a comprehensive and multilingual website about the finest Swiss wineries and wines selected through the aggregated lists of experts. Joins us to discover, visit, taste, pair, Swiss wines in Switzerland or anywhere in the world.

This is a private initiative dedicated to promote, explain and discuss Swiss Fine Wines. We cater to the curiosity and needs of private individuals, wine amateurs, enthusiasts, professionals as well as companies such as restaurants, hotels and distributors who wish to learn more about fine Swiss wines.