Fête des vVignerons (Vevey)


Fête des vVignerons (Vevey)

  • Public
  • Vevey
    Vad - Lavaux

18/07/2019 - 11/08/2019

From July 18 to August 11, 2019, once in a generation the Fête des Vignerons dazzles hundreds of thousands of spectators in Vevey.

Recognized by UNESCO on its list of intangible cultural heritage, the Fête des Vignerons brings generations together, connecting people from the villages, the countryside and the vineyards, locals and foreigners, and offers each visitor the opportunity to go beyond themselves, to transcend and collectively participate in a show unique in the world.

Tickets sale begin on 17 September 2018

There are five ticket categories, with prices ranging from CHF 79 to CHF 299.

A Premium ticket that includes VIP reception, priority entry, a complimentary official programme and a souvenir gift is also available for CHF 359.





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