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The Landscape of Swiss Wine, a book by Sue Style

The latest book written by British wine writer Sue Style: "The Landscape of Swiss Wine", introduces wine-lovers and readers to Switzerland’s wines and the extraordinary landscapes that give rise to them.

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​Discover the 2018 best Swiss winemakers by Gault&Millau

This sixth edition of the Gault&Millau awards brings the top Swiss winemakers in the limelight beyond the Swiss borders.

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Swiss Wine on Tour - London Walkaround Tasting 2018

For the third year Swiss Wine Promotion is happy to invite professionals to a walk around tasting and/or a master class presented by Michele Caimotto ( on Monday February 26th 2018 at 67 Pall Mall in Mayfair, London

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Getting to know Chasselas

Widely grown but little known, Switzerland’s champion white grape is starting to attract the attention of wine enthusiasts outside its homeland.

By Amanda Barnes

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Swiss Fine Wine is a comprehensive and multilingual website about the finest Swiss wineries and wines selected through the aggregated lists of experts. Joins us to discover, visit, taste, pair, Swiss wines in Switzerland or anywhere in the world.

This is a private initiative dedicated to promote, explain and discuss Swiss Fine Wines. We cater to the curiosity and needs of private individuals, wine amateurs, enthusiasts, professionals as well as companies such as restaurants, hotels and distributors who wish to learn more about fine Swiss wines.