Grand Prix du Vin Suisse - The 73 nominees are...
In June 2007, following the first Grand Prix du Vin Suisse tasting, organised by Vinum and Vinea in Sierre, I was frustrated. The last day, we tasted two very distinct wines, a typical Räuschling from the canton of Zurich, which received only 83 points in my tasting group dominated by French speaking contributors. Meanwhile an almost oily Johanisberg with low acidity was granted a golden certificate. At that moment I felt the weight of the "Röschtigraben" at my tasting table ("Röschtigraben" is the name for the language and cultural barrier between the French and the German speaking Switzerland). The French Swiss had very different ideas than the German speaking about what a good wine was.
Ten years later, 150 winemakers, wine merchants, sommeliers and journalists gathered again to taste around 3,000 wines at the Grand Prix du Vin Suisse. And the miracle happened! The Räuschling received among the highest scores from the Valais tasters and German Swiss contributors finally find took pleasure in discovering the uniqueness of the Johannisberg. Obviously in 10 years, not only tasters evolved, so did the quality of wines.
The Grand Prix du Vin Suisse impacts several aspects of the Swiss wine community: first the Gala in Bern celebrates the best Swiss winemakers and gold or silver medals, which rime with quality, are always appreciated by consumers. Second this exercise helps develop a federalist wine scene, multilingual and multicultural.
Thomas Vaterlaus, editor in chief at Vinum
Here are the 73 nominees for the 2016 selection
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SCHAUMWEIN: Domaine Les Faunes, Kartause Ittingen, Mauler & Cie SA (2x), Räblus-Weinbau, Renaissance Vins, Ville de Lausanne
CHASSELAS: Cave Régence Balavaud, Château Maison Blanche Yvorne Vaud Suisse, Domaine Chamvalon, Domaine des Muses, Les Trois Terres, Maurice Gay
MÜLLER-THURGAU: Rimuss-Kellerei Rahm & Co, Volg Weinkellereien, Wägeli Weinbau «Zum Rappen», Weingut Hämmerli, Weingut zum Sternen, Zahnd erlesene Weine
SORTENREINE WEISSWEINE: Cave Corbassière, Cave des deux rives, Cave La Siseranche, Cave le Tambourin, Cave Saint Philippe, Domaine du Mont d'Or
WEISSE ASSEMBLAGEN: Adrian & Diego Mathier Nouveau Salquenen AG, Cave Les Sentes Serge Heymoz, Charles Bonvin Fils, Daniel Magliocco & fils, Provins Valais, Weinbau Mariazell
ROSÉ: Robert Andrey Schafis, Caves Orsat, Domaine Château du Crest, Weingut Gehring, Maison Gilliard (Robert Gilliard), Uvavins Cave de La Côte
GAMAY: Cave David Rossier, Cave Gérald Besse, Cave Gilvert Devayes, Domaine de la Vigne Blanche, Domaine Jean-René Germanier, Société Cooperative Viticole Villeneuve
PINOT NOIR: Domaine Chantemerle, Domaine La Capitaine, Weingut Davaz, Willi Ryffel, Weinbaugenossenschaft Schinznach, Strickhof - Kompetenzzentrum für Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft
MERLOT: Cave les Crêtets, Cantina Sociale Mendrisio, Fattoria Moncucchetto, Kellerei Leukersonne, Vini & Distillati Angelo Delea SA, Vini Rovio-Gianfranco Chiesa
SORTENREINE ROTWEINE: Cave Des Champs - Claudy Clavien - Miège / Valais, Cave de St-Romain, Cave la Romaine, Cave la Siseranche, Gregor Kuonen - Caveau de Salquenen, Terreni alla Maggia SA
ROTE ASSEMBLAGEN: Agriloro SA, Cantina Cristini e Figli, Cave du Chevalier Bayard, Domaine du Feuillerage, Lampert's Weingut Heidelberg, Zweifel & Co. AG
WEINE MIT RESTSÜSSE: Cave des Bernunes, Cave Philippe Varone Vins, Domaine des Sieurs, Gregor Kuonen - Caveau de Salquenen, Les Fils de Charles Favre, Vins des Chevaliers